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Reiki is an ancient hands on healing system based on channeling spiritual energy. The word Reiki is a Japanese term. The first syllable, Rei means universal, spiritual or subtle, and the second Ki, means energy or power. Different cultures have different names for this energy. In China it's called " Qi" and in India it's called "Prana". In English we use terms such as Life Force or Divine Energy.
The Roots of Reiki.
Reiki is an ancient healing method that dates back about 2500 years, but lay dormant and was forgotten for a long time. In the nineteenth century the system was re-discovered by Dr. Mikao Usui. During his life he passed on this knowledge to his Grand Masters. It is through them the Reiki lineage has been handed down.
Channeling Reiki.
The practitioner giving Reiki, channels Energy through their own body and out through their hands to the Client. Learning Reiki.
Reiki is passed on through initiations in which the student is connected up as a channel by a Reiki Master. During the initiation the student is connected to the Reiki lineage and this helps to protects the student from taking on any negative energy from the Client.
There are three levels of Reiki:
Level 1. Self healing and hands on healing of others.
Level 2. Distant healing.
Level 3. Reiki Master and Teacher.
Duration of training course. Each of the above training levels is carried out over a 6 to 8 hour day.
You have a Choice.
Learn Reiki in a group class or if you prefer you can partake in a personal individual tuition class on a one to one basis.
Individual Reiki Training. If you are the type of person that would prefer individual tuition as opposed to an open workshop training, Personal one to one training is available at a cost of €250.
Reiki level 1 Training.
The objective of the level 1 training activities is to get you using Reiki energy, learn the hand positions, reflect on the Reiki principles and do a number of healing sessions on yourself and on others.
The syllabus is broken into 6 sections:
1: Learning the Reiki principles, history and method:
2: Learning the hand positions.
3: Self treatment.
4: Treating others.
5: Reiki 1 attunement.
6: Reflection.
During activity 1 you will learn the Reiki principles, the history of Reiki and the hand method used when administering Reiki.
During activity 2 you will learn the hand positions for giving yourself a treatment.
During activity 3 you will administer a 10min. treatment to yourself.
During activity 4 you will learn the hand positions for treating other people and you will also administer treatment to other people during this section of the course.
During activity 5 you will be attuned to the level one status in Reiki healing therapy.
During activity 6 you will reflect on your experiences of Reiki so far and also evaluate the treatments you have provided.
You will reflect on the following :
1. How your hands felt during treatments.
2. What Reiki energy felt like to you as an individual
3. How it felt to touch another person while doing a treatment.
The purpose of the level 2 activities is to deepen your understanding of the Reiki energy. It is also to help expand your horizons of the Reiki energy by learning the Reiki 2 symbols. It will also teach you the distant healing practices and techniques. The course is broken into five activities and they are as follows:
Activity one: Learning the goals of Reiki level 2:
This activity is to teach you the overview of the second level of Reiki. This will be achieved by listening to the recorded CD which will be played at the start of the course. The symbols will be introduced and a review of the distant healing methods will be discussed.
Activity two: Learning the Reiki Symbols:
This activity is to teach you the Reiki symbols. Review again the level two symbols: ·
Cho Ku Rei ·
Sei Hei Ki ·
Hon Sho Ze Sho Nen
During this activity you will practice drawing the symbols on paper and also in the air. When you are basically familiar with the symbols you will give yourself one treatment and prior to the treatment you will draw the symbols on your palms and also in the air in front of you.
Activity three: Emotional healing:
This activity is to familiarize yourself with the idea of healing on an emotional level. There will be an emotional Reiki healing session.
Activity four: Distant healing and scanning:
This activity is to develop the skills of healing others via distance and to get comfortable using distance methods. Choose a person or a situation that you wish to send Reiki to and then using one of the distant sending methods you will send Reiki for 15 mins. It is advised to send the healing everyday for about a week to get sufficient practice using the technique.
Activity five: Initiation:
At this stage the second degree Reiki initiation is carried out.
Activity six: Reflection:
This activity allows you to reflect on your experience of Reiki thus far and to evaluate the treatments that you experienced today.
Reiki Level 3 (Master/Teacher)
The purpose of the level 3 activities is to learn the Master level of Reiki. Additionally the Master symbol is memorized. This is also the level where the Reiki attunements are learned and practiced. Activity 1. Learning the 3rd level of Reiki.
This activity is to teach you the overview of the Master level. Here you will study the meanings of the symbols and review the attunement process. This will include the following:
Activity 2. Learning the Master level Symbols.
This activity teaches you the Master symbols. Review again the Usui Dai Ko Mio, The Tibetan Master Symbol, The fire Serpent and Raku. Included in activity 2 will be:
Activity 3. Learning the Attunement process.
Here you will study the process that is the Attunement. Study specifically how the connection is made with the student, what symbols are used and where they are placed during each level of attunement. Activity 4. Practicing the Attunement.
This activity helps to develop the skills of doing an attunement.
Activity 5. Reflection.
This activity is to have you reflect on your experience of Reiki so far, and to evaluate the attunements you have done to date. This will also be a time to discuss your Reiki journey and the learning?s you have learned that you may wish to share.
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